Today my little sister and I went for a walk as part of our one hour exercise and I thought I’d bring my camera for the ride to see what we could capture from finally being allowed out the house. Since we haven’t been living in the same household, we had to keep our distance the entire walk which did make the photoshoot a little more complicated however I brought my 55-200mm lens with a wide angle attachment in order to capture some interesting portraits.

I wanted to focus on a more editorial style with these portraits, including more closeup images featuring objects from around the environment we were in. I took inspiration from FEMALE Magazine in their dive into nature during the 2017 edition, as they looked into how to frame the image with greenery and other aspects of their environment to really draw certain tones and colours from the model. For the image below, I wanted to highlight how the tones in her eye matches the green and yellow combination of background trees and flowered field.

The shadow was created by her holding up her chain necklace up towards the sun; this was something I really wanted to explore in this project as I found that often the light coming from the sun was almost overpowering, even with f.11-16 and a shutter speed of around 1/400. To try and combat this, we used a mixture of artificial and naturally occurring shadows on her face.

It has been so long since we’ve been able to go on a photoshoot together as I moved away to uni and haven’t had much chance to see her in this time, so it took her a little while to get back into photoshoot mode which definitely made for some interesting behind the scenes!! But as soon as she got back into it, she really thrived, and I’m so happy with the outcomes from the shoot. One thing I’ve learnt over the course of these photoshoot is that relying on naturally occurring light is definitely not a bad thing, and can actually really enhance the image!

Places of inspiration:

FEMALE Magazine front cover ed. 2017

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