For this shoot, I found a space in our flat with access to open sky, which allowed for the sunlight to hit inside the room an hour after noon. So I set up a little home studio in the windowsill with a tripod, a handheld trigger, and a mirror set up to reflect the captured image in my direction so I could see what the portrait would look like as it was being shot. (as my personal camera doesn’t have a flip screen.)

This was a challenge, as I didn’t have the equipment I’m used to using, and my own camera is about six years old, however, I still feel I was able to use this wacky set up in order to capture some interesting shots.

Though they were mainly just for my own creative boost, I feel this shoot also helped me find that I actually really enjoy self portraiture, as I feel it was good for me to visualise how I wanted the shoot to go, and to fit myself into that idea.

My favourite two from this shoot definitely has to be these two, as I feel they utilise the sunlight and frame my face the best, adding more depth to the image. I also loved the way in which the sunlight caught my eye in the first one.

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