Today I sat in a talk with visiting speaker Kristy Noble as she explained some of her approaches to being a professional photographer and how she got to where she is now. She started off as a photographer’s assistant and offered them a day’s unpaid work and built up their relationship from there.


She also talked about how she had an agent, and explained that this is a two way conversation; she provides work for their clients and they find work for her. She also talked about personal work, and how she aims to always meet her clients in person for a more personal connection as she expressed that an online meeting just wouldn’t be enough.


Within her own work, she looks into photographing work created by other people for their benefit, as she explains this is more what she’s into and has a very stable body of work that she formed from this. In terms of publications, all of her work, both client and personal work, is presented on her website but aside from that, she doesn’t use exhibitions or published books for her work as she said it’s much more editorial .

I found this a very interesting talk to be apart of as it really showed one of the many ways you can build up your reputation and start a professional career fresh out of university, which is something I’ve been looking into more myself recently!

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