My little sister came to visit me in Leeds, so I thought it was only right for me to take her to see the new exhibition at the Leeds City Museum, Fast and Slow Fashion. She’s currently studying textiles and found this was a really intriguing concept for an exhibition, so we decided to go while she was here.

Though this wasn’t really my forte of an exhibition, Ellie was explaining the significance of key concepts within the industry, and how they showed us the development in conscious consumerism and ethical consumption. This was a very interesting insight for me as I was quite intrigued by how the mass production of clothing brands and manufactured items soon took over local businesses in Leeds and lead to the drastic changes to the face of shopping in Leeds.

It was fair to say Ellie really enjoyed this trip and although it wasn’t as interesting to me as some of the ones I’ve visited, I definitely learnt something new about the fashion industry and some local heritage in Leeds as well.

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