Within this project, we weren’t made previously aware of what we were going to shoot when we came in, and then were briefed on only using objects that we had on us when we came in that morning. Our group tried out a few different ideas before realising we were each wearing different types of jewellery that we could make a photoshoot from.

For this, we grabbed a block of rogue wood and a beige coloured rugged table cloth as a podium style set up for our items. We felt this was a good contrast between the richness of the jewellery pieces, as it allowed for a more earthly, seemingly naturally occurring setup almost, against pieces of clearly manmade and carefully crafted pieces of body ornament.

For my photographs, I decided to use a range of different pieces of jewellery in combination of each other as I felt this was another way to add depth to the image. I then experimented with using the same type and colours of metals but found the best contrast in those that used different colours of metal, as this accentuate the fact that they were separate pieces. However, within each piece, I ensured that there was a connection between the chosen jewellery, as seen here where we used pieces that focused on geometric shapes.

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