I had the pleasure of visiting Leeds Art Gallery while Sarah Barker’s Exhibition ‘Clouds are Clocks’ was being shown and I walking around it was an exciting experience!

Barker’s work was truly a spectacle to behold, as she combines sculpture with paint and drawing to create pieces that attempt to delicately trace lines in space. Though her work isn’t photography based, I found her work deeply inspirational, as she takes the concept of time and further abstracts it through the use of metal work.

Sara Barker - carlier | gebauer

She tells us about how clocks symbolise the strict organised nature of time, as an ever persistent movement of change. Her work deconstructs this organisation through the concepts of clouds, which by definition are unpredictable and disorderly, as she paints dreamy almost heavenly feeling paintings to sit behind the sculpture.

Although her work is very different to that of my own, I feel the concepts found within her work are very important to the potential progression of my own work, as it has made me realise how abstract concepts can be portrayed in abstract ways to make a traditional form of art to a new level of intriguing. I also feel that her use of multi medium methods is something I’d like to look into in the future as I feel it’s a good way to break the constructs of traditional art.

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