So this exhibition is one I was super excited to visit because I grew up reading and LOVING every and any Roald Dahl book that was handed to me! It wasn’t until I got older that I begin to realise that the picture in the book weren’t actually created by Dahl, but instead his illustrator, Quentin Blake. I don’t think I could quite express how excited, and well shocked, I was to see his work featured in this exhibition, as the theme was local artists and it’s fair to say I had no clue this was a place he resided in.

This featured many of his original pieces of work, including that of his Alice and Wonderland, and many of his pieces created for the Roald Dahl books. This was so stunning to see in person, as it was a whole room filled with his work throughout his career, and really put into perspective the magnitude of his influence towards the world of illustration and the bounds of childish imagination.

Stuff and Nonsense

Although, of course, this wasn’t a photographic exhibition, it left me feeling so motivated as seeing the incredible amount of work that he had produced thus far in his life (I found out he’s still alive to this day!) just reminded me to keep pushing through and working on things that inspire me.

Quentin Blake Prints | Roald Dahl | Three Cheers for Charlie

Overall, I feel this exhibition was just what I needed to experience today as it was a wonderful little creative breath of fresh air, as I feel too often I find myself purely looking into photography and exhausting my motivation. But I think it is really important to surround yourself with other forms of art too, and this was a wonderful little daytrip to realise this.

Quentin Blake's Roald Dahl Illustrations Get Museum Show

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