Today we headed to Falmouth Art Gallery in Cornwall to visit their ‘Stuff and Nonsense’ exhibition, in which they featured many local artists’ work! It was so cool to see the variety of local talent; expanding from photography to sculpture work to paintings of many forms!

One of their treasured exhibitions features the work of Quentin Blake, the renown illustrator, and many of his original artworks! I’ll be writing another post soonlooking more specifically into his work in this exhibition as it was definitely a highlight but I’d like to first focus on the local artists’ work.

David Symonds, All the days of My Life 2017

This was a piece by artist David Symonds, All the days of My Life, in which he documented his thumb print one for each day! He used the same pot of ink for each print until that pot ran out and he’d have to start a new pot. This was such an interesting piece as it really encapsulated the monotony of life whilst also giving significance for each and every day.

We discussed what the potential meaning behind the different tones of prints that were placed next to each other-could this signify days where he found it more difficult to apply the same pressure, potentially emphasising lack of wellness? Why did the piece end there in 2017? I just found this piece utterly breathtaking; this is everyday of this man’s life laid out in print for us to observe- no description or explanation, we’re left with nothing but prints and our own inference of the piece!

This is a picture I took at the gallery just to show the magnitude of it! It was unrolled much further than shown in the original image, and here’s a person as a point of perspective to show just how big it is! It’s really important to note that we were told there’s much more left unrolled here too; this isn’t even the half of it.

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